The Dreams we are chasing and the reality that is chasing us are always parallel; they will never meet.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday , 28 / 5 / 2010

[You broke my heart again ...GLJX ]

I saw her on Wednesday, 26.5.2010 again. I saw her when I was on my way back from the market. I went to the market to buy Koko Crunch arnd HL Milk. When I saw her under my block , I stare at her for a moment when walking past her.

She look at me with those 'blur' expression. I guess it's because of my fringe. I look away and smile. I felt like a complete idiot. My mouth just fucking react on its own. Once again, I'm gutless to look at you and smile.

You're the first girl who had my everything.


† LUST †