The Dreams we are chasing and the reality that is chasing us are always parallel; they will never meet.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I DON'T WANNA TURN 19 (29th December, 2014)

  • Sushi fest on the day before my birthday.
  • Korean BBQ and then cake.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tuesday, 23.12.2014

#Throwback to Who's ready for some beach fun. 

Will be clubbing again at f.Club tomorrow night with the clique.
Gonna re-pain my nails, workout, body whitening spa and facial mask spa before
leaving home to have dinner and then club.


Tuesday, 23.12.2014

Is there anything wrong with me? Or is it weird that I don't quit like the idea of getting married?
I did picture out a scenario like if those celebrities I had huge crush on like Jessica Origliasso, Taylor Momsen, Krystal Jung and Park Kahi. If they were to proposed to me, I'll be hesitated and end up, I'll still say no. I swear that even if Angelina Jolie were to proposed to me, I'll end up declining it.

I guess some of my friends and one of my cousin's boyfriend are right. Somehow they know and could see through my character that I didn't like being tied down. Maybe I'm the type of girl who isn't afraid of my age keep increasing but my status is still not married. I don't know, or maybe I don't give a fuck about it. And I still categorized myself as a girl because when the day I'm financially stabled, that's when I could proudly call myself a woman.



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday, 17.12.2014

Happy 2 years and 5 months anniversary

Mark my words, one day things is gonna be so different between us.
I'm looking for emotional intimacy, not a robot who keep buying me gifts, not someone who doesn't truly understand what's the real meaning of spending quality time together.

I understand that both of us are busy, but I didn't like it that you always come over for dinner only and after dinner you'll just go back home and continue with your fashion projects or homeworks. What about sex after dinner? What about cuddling after dinner? What about just lying on the bed together after dinner? What about smoking together and talk about stuffs?

Did you forget about my needs? push away my needs or didn't care about my needs?
I may be busy as well but you jolly well knew that I have a high sex drive. If you can't tame or please me, will other humans be able to fulfilled it?

And if my partner can't keep track of my blog and tumblr or doesn't bother to make the time to visit my sites, I think stalkers or close friends did a better job.
Ever thought that sooner or later the day will come when I have the money, financially stabled and able to support myself?
When that day comes and we're still together, you'll realized that gifts doesn't please me. By then I'm also able to afford the gifts that you brought.

It's the emotional intimacy I'm looking for babyyy.



Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday, 7.12.2014

So apparently yesterday when I was having my afternoon nap, I dreamt of granddad.
I was very sick(throat infection, flu, blocked nose, cough and fever) the past few days and dreaming of granddad was really unexpected because it's been 5 months since he passed on. Luckily I was sick after my exam days as I usually will be sick before exams. Like I said, it was an unexpected dream so when telling mum about the dream, I cried.

The dream goes like this...
Somehow, I was sitting on a chair beside dad's youngest brother, which is my youngest uncle. We were talking about life-and-death experience in the music room. It really felt like a Saturday morning and I told Andrew to go somewhere first before coming back to my place as we're going to my school to settle some stuff. After chatting with my youngest uncle, I told him I had to leave home to go back to school. When I walked out of music room to the living room, I saw Andrew standing outside the door and the door is open. So he walked in and I walked towards him. When walking towards him, I saw granddad behind Andrew and granddad was walking towards me. I walk passed Andrew towards the door and kept my eyes fixed on granddad and kept calling him but he didn't answer me. My youngest uncle came out of the music room to see what's going on but Andrew quickly walked towards his direction and stop him. It's as if I'm the only one who is able to see granddad and Andrew know that I saw granddad, that's why he stopped my youngest uncle from coming towards my direction. And afterwards, I woke up.

Not long after I woke up, my afternoon nap alarm rang. So I went to wash up and prepare to head out with Andrew. When preparing, I was actually reluctant to tell mum about it because it feels so real and unexpected. When explaining how granddad looked like in my dream to mum, he had his eye brow drawn and he looked so fierce. So Andrew said, ''I think it's because back then when his body is in the coffin, he had make-up on.''

And at night when David was showering in my mum's toilet, he said there's a white moth. So mum and I went to take a look, there is.



† LUST †