Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday, 10.3.2011

Facts about Capricorn. Well.. I find some of it, kinda true.
Bold&Red = Describe how my characteristic is like.
- Personality Description:
- Capricorns take things seriously.
- Capricorns can solve any problem, and enjoy the mental and physical challenge of difficult problems.
- Capricorns are wary, and do not trust others easily. (Lol, so true!)
Because of that, we do not make friends easily and quickly. (Yes, I'm lacking of friends) - But once a trust is established, we remain loyal and true. (I'm always loyal)
- We behave with dignity, and do not like to hurry. (I seriously dislike rushing. Example of people rushing for Buses/LRT Train, Green-man walking, I die die also don't want to run/chase)
- We are very stubborn, and this leads to dogmatic tendancies.
- Caprincorns can sometimes lack a sense of humor, their dry wit biting.
- Capricorns can and do work hard for long periods of time, and have achieved premient positions worldwide.
- Like their symbol -- the goat -- Capricorns can face any challenge.
- Capricorns also have a very good memory, being able to hold many, many minute details or facts over long periods of time.
- This gift also makes Capricorns unwilling to forgive: we have been known to hold grudges for many years.
- Capricorns often drown themselves in work to avoid the emotional part of life.
- Capricorns like to be in control of things, though you tend to be rather delicate and emotionally fragile.
*Capricorns also have a very good memory, being able to hold many, many minute details or facts over long periods of time. *
(Yes, everything goes into my Memory box in my Brain. Including notes inside my Science textbook, Guitar tabs, Dance moves/steps and past memories)
-Capricorn Positive Traits-
Resourceful but cautious.
Tends to be very disciplined.
Reserved and cool under fire.
Demonstrate a real ability to overcome most hardships that get in the way of pursuing ones ambition.
Practical and prudent.
Ambitious and disciplined.
Patient and careful.
Humorous and reserved.
Lucky Day: Saturday.
Yes, I'm always in love with Saturday.
Lucky Colour (Anything related to dark colours): Brown, Steel, Grey, Black.
Each sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body that is most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical areas for Capricorn are the knees and lower legs.
Yes, my Knees had dislocated before during Wushu training. Pain like fucking hell. I couldn't forget that I was perspiring cold sweat. I was very afraid. That's another reason why I can't do heavy sport anymore. Running too fast is another problem too.
Knowing what you discuss.
Firm Foundations.
Family events.
Wild Schemes.
Go-nowhere jobs.
Frivolous bobbles.
Ridicule: I just cannot stand it when people made fun of me. Especially the races I'm racist of ;)
Show-offs: When it comes to guys. But girls too.
Frivolous bobbles: I prefer serious attention.
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