Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, 17.7.2011
Gotten a dog yesterday (Sunday, 17.7.2011) afternoon : ) The breed is black Labrador Retriever dog. It's a male so Mum decided to name it Rocky. It's birthday is on 3rd March.
So yesterday after my home tuition, Mum called home and told David and I to meet her near Bukit Panjang Plaza. We cycled instead of walking. Reached there and waited for about 10 to 15 minutes. Throughout the whole journey back home, we walked.
Mum was the one carrying Rocky. Kinda heavy :\ As we were walking, Rocky fall asleep leaning on Mum's chest. He's enjoying. There's something funny about Rocky was that whenever we put him outside the doorstep, near the lift area or any other unfamiliar place to him, he starts to cry. Or he will cling tightly on the the floor and shiver.
The reason why he will do that it's because he thought that we're gonna abandon/dump him. I'm actually dying to bring him to Zhenghua Park and have a walk after my cycling session everyday but it seems like it's impossible : ( Or maybe it takes time to train him.
It's irritating sometimes because he love to bite stuff. Human feets too. When I was walking from Mum's room to the kitchen, he will follow me. Either biting my feet, moving around my feet to prevent me from walking or placing one of his paw on my feet.
Did some research about black Labrador Retriever. They're active for out-door activities and it's a mouthy dog. That's why they like to bite stuff. So need to buy some squeezable bone or toys to let him bite as his teeth is growing. I don't see his active for out-door because he don't even dare to step out of the house. But he kept running around the living room and kitchen area. So he's active in the indoor.
Time to add Rocky into my life <3
Labels: Rocky
Monday, 18.7.2011 [Rocky's Pictures]
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Tuesday, 5.7.2011

Today, I had so much FUN during P.E lesson : )
Here's the time-table for today.
1. Science (Half an hour).
2. English.
3. Recess.
4. P.E
5. Mathematics.
6. Mother Tongue.
7. CPA.
As per normal, during Science lesson, we do worksheets. After Science, it was English. Miss.Goh was absent from School. A relief teacher came in and we're supposed to do the English Workbook Paper 2.
After English, Recess. Listened to Music while Lianna and Max head down to the Canteen to have their Lunch. The bell rang and recess is over. A few of my classmate asked me why I'm not in my P.E attire. Told them that I'm waiting for Lianna.
After a while, Lianna and Max came. Lmfao, I do not know how did Max manage to wear the P.E shirt around his head except for his eyes. He look like some niqab women. ('niqab', I google for it. Search the google image. Hahah)
Went to the toilet near the Music Room to change. After changing, we head to the Riffle Room because Lianna want to collect something from the nurse. After that, to the Dance Studio because the last P.E lesson, Lianna and I choose Folk Dance. There were a few choices like Badminton, Fitness and Frisbee.
Lianna and I first choose Fitness. But we decided to change. I'm just following her flow : )
Reached outside the Dance Studio. Took off our shoes and socks. Went in and pair with Javier and Lianna.
Mdm.Yeo demonstrate the Russia Dance and half of the class laughed. Mushroom head. Hahah, damn funny and cute. Lianna was the middle girl. So the left and right person beside her is supposed to hold her hand.
At first, I don't dare to hold her hand. I saw everyone is holding each other's hand so I followed. Javier doesn't want to hold Lianna's hand so replaced with Max. Tried following the dance steps like jumping forward with one foot at the time, going under each other's arm and forming into a small circle and move in a direction.
I wasn't willing to do it at first. But I told myself to open up. Everybody is having fun, so why not? True enough, it was really fun. Jian Hui and Max were the funny jokers. Like Max was hiding behind the big box thingy. Jian Hui told Mdm. Yeo that Max went out of the Dance Studio. Mdm.Yeo was heading to the door because she wants to lock it and Max suddenly appear. Mdm.Yeo smiled and the class laughed.
Suddenly, Mdm.Yeo wants me to demonstrate too. I wasn't willing to hold her hand but no choice. GIANT HAND.
Do the dance a few times and it's in my brain. Fun part for me was forming into a small circle, move in a circle direction and I love to use force to drag Lianna around. Sometimes when we were jumping forward with one foot at a time, the next step is to jump backward with one foot at a time. Jian Hui's group clash with the front Girls' group. And everybody in front fall onto the floor.
After a while, we all sat down and Mdm.Yeo talked to us about 'Life' stuff. Quickly take a tissue and clean my forehead because I'm perspiring (I want my fringe to maintain straightness). In fact, everyone was perspiring. After P.E, Mathematics. Then Mother Tongue. Funny and a boring lesson. The class love to make Ah Moi (Mdm. Chang Ngiet Moi) angry.
I was using Lianna's umbrella to hit my right upper arm because it's aching. There she come in front of my table. So I purposely put the umbrella behind her shaggy ass. End up she took it and put it in front of the Teacher's table. Asked Pal to help me take it back.
After MT, CPA. Half of the class do a theory paper because another half went for their N Level English Oral. One of them is Lianna! Hope she'll do well because I know she can. After CPA, went home.
Decided to ride my Bike. Washed my water bottle because I want to refill it with Ice Lemon Tea. Brought my sling bag along. Inside, it contains my water bottle and a knife (for self-protection of perverts). Ride from Zhenghua Park to Jelapang. Back to Zhenghua Park and ride another round at Zhenghua Park. Long distance. That's the reason why I need to drink some liquid.
This Thursday, I'm taking N Level English Oral. It's actually impossible to feel nervous for it. But still, I need to stay calm and relax in order to prevent any silly mistakes.
Butchy~ Where are you? I miss you.
Labels: Fun Time During P.E Lesson